Sunday, December 25, 2022

The famous man

I had hoped to visit my cartoonist friend Justin Green in Cincinatti. But when I talked to him yesterday, he begged off. He has money problems, health problems(with no health insurance), and some crushing deadlines to meet. He also has many regrets. "I got great reviews; I got letters from famous people saying they love my work. But you can't bank it. I would rather be an artisan and have a comfortable life. And I tried that; I became a sign painter. But then the computer came along and destroyed that. So now I've cast my lot with cartooning." And he has work. But it doesn't add up to much money. I told him, "I can sum up the artist's personality in two phrases: manic-depression and inappropriate response to reality." Justin's wife, Carol Tyler, is also a cartoonist. Posted by Hello


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Scott said...

It sounds all to true. Nobody pays for people to be able to draw anymore with a few exceptions:

• party portratist (which means a $110 an hour for two-three hours of on-site work, and you'd better be good and fast, too);
• niche illustration (medical, engineering, etc.);

It might be a good idea to go conventioning. Remember to take your original sketches for your published book - they'll sell like hotcakes off your table.



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